Rome take commanding league in perfect 2K weather. Sunshine, swim suits and great breeze.

CNVA and Team Banana still unconvinced about going around any mark unless in a safe 1-2… after a while the gybe backs get just a little repetitious, and as for the Y flags.

“Man of the match” goes to DJ for the most brilliant finish line conversion against Serpentine.

All set for RR3 tomorrow followed by finals.



Round Robin Scoring Grid Round Robin 2 Add any Race Win penalties as advised by Jury
CNVA YCCS Thames DMTRA Serp Rome Banana
Win=W Loss=L Win=W Loss=L Win=W Loss=L Win=W Loss=L Win=W Loss=L Win=W Loss=L Win=W Loss=L Race Losses Penalties Previous Total Position
CNVA W W W W L W 1 5 6 4
YCCS L W W L L W 3 4 7 5
Thames L L L L L L 6 4 10 7
DMTRA L L W W L L 4 1 5 2
Serp L W W L L W 3 2 5 3
Rome W W W W W W 0 1 1 1
Banana L L W W L L 4 4 8 6