
2K Team Racing Tour Director

GBR victorious at Formia (2022)2K

After no less than 40 races team Serpentine representing GBR took the finals with a clean 2-0 over their closest rival the Dutch Match and Team Racing Association representing the Netherlands. Yacht Club Costa Smeralda presenting the host nation Italy… Continue Reading →

Results Day 2

  Red Yellow Blue Next to Change   SERP BAV BEL DMTRA YCCS 19 BEL BAV   DMTRA     WIN 1     20   BAV SERP YCCS   WIN 1                … Continue Reading →

Formia 2K

Day 1 ..Serpentine and DMTRA lead after a fantastic first day of racing. This is our first event in Formia, just down the road from Gaeta. The clubhouse built over the remains of a Roman Villa with fabulous views over… Continue Reading →

Date Change for Munich 2K

The event is now 7-9 October 2022. Sorry for any inconvenience.

2022 Forthcoming Events

look at the Forthcoming events page for details.

Ravenna and Gaeta 2K

Both Ravenna and Gaeta 2K regattas planned for 2021 have been postponed until 2022. This is sad indeed, but the continuing Covid rules and restrictions have meant that both organisers are not able to proceed with any confidence. New dates… Continue Reading →

Global Team Racing Regatta 2021

very sadly the GTRR 2021 has had to be cancelled. This is great sadness. The next edition will be held at the New York Yacht Club, in Newport Rhode Island 21-24 July 2022.

Gaeta 2K postponed until October 15-17 2021

and the weather will still be perfect for racing, and dining outside and walking on the beach and enjoying a gelato.

Formia 2K 5-7 June Cancelled

Sadly this event has had to be cancelled. Formia is looking for a date for 2021.

Formia 2K 5-7 June

The event is still planned to go ahead. Given the current uncertainties a final decision will be made on the 1 May. Please do not book travel at the moment.

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