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Hamburg Publish new date for 2K 23-25 October

Please note this change. Documents to follow on the Events page.

German Sailing Federation covers 2K

  2K has made it to the front page of the German Sailing Federation’s magazine. Now we need a German Championship. To see the article click here  German Sailing Fed 2K article

ISAF agrees to change in Rule 17

See below for full details of the rule change. In simple terms when boats are sailing to the offset mark, leeward mark or to the finish line if they gain an overlap to leeward they can sail above their proper… Continue Reading →

Antibes announced as the Sixth Tour Event for 2015

Following the very successful 2K event held at the end of last year Antibes have offered to host the 6th Tour Event for 2015. Date for your diary 18-20 September. NOR and all paper work to follow.

Yacht Club Gaeta joins 2K Circuit

19-21 June a new 2K event to be held at Yacht Club Gaeta Standard NOR and SI’s to be published shortly. Have a look at the website  

2K Italia runs pre season clinic in Gaeta

  The clinic was a hosted by Yacht Club Gaeta, who also supplied a fleet of Match25 Yachts for the clinic.  

Dutch announce 2K Winter Series and Student Nationals for 2015

The Dutch Match and Team Race association has just announced a full 2K National and Student programme. For full details go the DMTRA Website   DMTRA 2K 2015 Winter Series:   Stage 1: Saturday 31 Jan Stage 2: Saturday… Continue Reading →

HNA Sailing Team win Qingdao’s New Years Cup 2K Regatta

No less than 16 teams competed in the New Year’s Cup held on the 31st December 1st January in Qingdao in no less than -4 C!!! 2015 Qingdao Haofeng New Year’s Cup — 2K Teams Racing Results Rank Code Sail… Continue Reading →

Las Palmas, Gran Canaria Closing Date approaches…. 22nd December

Looking forward to seeing you back again in Las Palmas. Please note the closing date is 22nd December.

2015 2K Tour Details announced

For 2015 in an effort to focus activity into a smaller number of events for the top ranked teams five of the 2K events have been designated Tour events. There are other events which are non Tour e.g. Scarlino in… Continue Reading →

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