Day 2 started with lighter winds, then at 4pm they disappeared, but by 4.30 a 180 shift brought great sailing. In the new breeze Serpentine and Strangford suffered harsh defeats in the closing meters to the finish, having held their own against DMTRA and Rome. The big upset in Round 2 was ISC beating Spinnaker to move into 3rd position on the tie break.. With half a day of sailing left tomorrow beating the Dutch looks a tough order but the game is not over.
As I write Strangford despite a number of turns are back in the action against Istanbul. 1-4 can Rob Friend bring John PM back ito the race.
It’s the final run and now with JPM in the lead it is all about holding the left….. and they do it. What a great race, and a great win for Strangford.
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