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Guidance on Finish Line Calls

The following is for guidance only. This is not a call, but simply how the umpires see the various calls applying. Hope this helps. Rules/Calls/Definitions that apply. RRS 18.2(c)(2) ” if she becomes overlapped inside the boat entitled to mark-room… Continue Reading →

Batavia/ Eurosaf 2K Championships

Dear 2K-Sailor, The Batavia Regatta 2013, the official EUROSAF EC 2K Team Racing, was a great event with really challenging conditions the whole weekend. The conditions placed huge physical, but also tactical demands on the teams. In the evening there… Continue Reading →

Gran Canaria 2014 Photos

2K Tigers move to Monaco 5 March 2014

2K Tigers move to Monaco   Monaco is the arena for the next 2K Tour event this weekend. With three of the top teams coming together for the 2nd time in as many weeks this could be the big decider… Continue Reading →

Gran Canaria 2014 Final Results

Event Gran Canaria Real Club Nautico Gran Canaria Date Feb-14 Position Team Name Helm 1 Helm 2 1 Spinnaker Littlejohn Hebbert 2 Wessex Ainsworth Heywood 3 YCCS Pasini Galati 4 RTYC Cornah Lasko 5 Serpentine Arnold Moseley 6 Rome Ramirez… Continue Reading →

Hamburg 2013 Photos

Hamburg 2013 Final Results

Event Hamburg Hamburger Segel Club Date Oct-13 Position Team Name Helm 1 Helm 2 1 Spinnaker Littlejohn Hebbert 2 DMTRA Korpershek Smit 3 YCCS Pasini Sodo Migliori 4 Bavaria Luyken Koechert 5 Serpentine Arnold Moseley 6 Hamburg

London 2013 Final Results

  Event London Royal Thames Yacht Club Date Oct-13 Position Team Name Helm 1 Helm 2 1 Spinnaker Tom Hebbert Sam Littlejohn 2 YCCS Valerio Galati Antonio Sodo Migliori 3 Serpentine Henry Arnold Ed Males 4 OCCS(Cambridge) Greg Hall Jamie… Continue Reading →

Cala Galera 2013 Final Results

Event Cala Galera Argentario Date Sep-13 Position Team Name Helm 1 Helm 2 1 Spinnaker Littlejohn Hebbert 2 YCCS 3 Serpentine Arnold Males 4 Bayerischer 5 CNV Argentario 6 YC Monaco 7 YC S Stefano 8 YC Italiano

Cowes (Island Sailing Club) 2013 Photos

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